Tuesday, July 6, 2010


        Well hey there. This blog is the evidence of the convictions, struggles, peace, love and all out confusion i have went through and continue to go through in my relationship with God and journey to get to know Him better. I want this blog to serve as a place we can all come and voice opinion, state facts and even vent a little if needed. 
I feel it is very important to constantly be looking to deepen our faith. Christianity IS NOT a get out of jail free card. There is no magic words or special trick you can do that will hold you a place in heaven. This makes my heart sink as i see churches passing on these and other empty practices. It is very important that we call these things out for what they are. It is important that we become CHRIST’s Church. 
It is imperative that we become a people who are unabashedly devoted to our Savior who made it clear that we are His friends, not His servants. Christ does not judge you on your denomination or how many times you go to church or what you do for your community, and i could go on and on, no He judges us on our hearts. Are we devoted to His teachings, do our hearts break at injustice, can we stop ourselves from having to reach out to the lost or helping those in need? Does God inhabit our entire being, or have we blocked Him out or even limited Him in certain parts of our lives or maybe entirely. 
We are going to explore principles of living lives for God and not ourselves. I will try to post a new blog two or three times a week. What i want all of us to do is state our opinion and facts and especially scripture. But most important enter these conversations expecting to learn something new. Whether it will bring you closer to God or just give you a better understanding of an issue or even a person, try and keep a mind set on God.
I am very excited to get going and have a few topics that i am already working on, but if there is something that you would like me to talk about please email me and let me know. 
God bless,

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